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Ian Carroll

Senior Software Engineer

Full-Stack Polyglot Team-focused Extreme Programming Test-First

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Ian Carroll is a Consulting Senior Software Engineer specializing in Test-Driven Development, Pair Programming, and XP workflows. He taught himself software engineering using a self-designed scrum of one, and is an advocate and coach for agile processes such as retrospectives.

He has worked on more than a dozen client codebases in multiple domains, but often in the medical field. He approaches engineering from a polyglot’s perspectvive, but has often worked in React and Rails projects. He’s an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, and favors work on real time communications.

He enjoys mentoring junior engineers, and is equally happy to “be the worst” in the room because when he is surrounded by excellent teammates, that’s when he knows he’s going to learn to become the best.

He studied Taoist Philosophy for ten years. When not writing software, he can be found in ensemble improvising full-length plays in the style of famous authors streamed over Youtube and Twitch.